Miguel Chevalier, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Miguel Chevalier

French digital artist

Date of Birth: 22-Apr-1959

Place of Birth: Mexico City, Mexico

Profession: artist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Miguel Chevalier

  • Miguel Chevalier (born 1959) is a French digital artist known internationally as one of the pioneers of digital and virtual art.
  • Chevalier's work is complex and multidisciplinary.
  • His sources lie in the history of art and his work explores recurrent themes such as nature and artifice, flows and networks, virtual cities and ornate designs.
  • Since 1978, Chevalier has focussed exclusively on the use of computer technology as an artistic means of expression, and has been exploring the question of the hybrid and generative image.

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