Olivier Costa de Beauregard, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Olivier Costa de Beauregard

French physicist

Date of Birth: 06-Nov-1911

Place of Birth: Paris, Île-de-France, France

Date of Death: 05-Feb-2007

Profession: physicist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Olivier Costa de Beauregard

  • Olivier Costa de Beauregard (Paris, 6 November 1911 – Poitiers, 5 February 2007) was a French relativistic and quantum physicist, and philosopher of science.
  • He was an eminent specialist of time and of information theory.
  • He studied under Louis de Broglie. From 1947, he proposed to de Broglie his interpretation of the EPR paradox which questions the notion of time.
  • In 1974, with Bernard d'Espagnat, he suggested to Christian Imbert, a young professor at Institut d'Optique, to propose to Alain Aspect to perform a Bell's inequalities experimental test, to settle the conflict between the results of Clauser and Freedman at Berkeley, and Holt and Pipkin at Harvard.
  • After Aspect decided to do a different experiment, he explained the quantum mechanical predictions by the theory of retrocausation or CPT-invariance. His numerous publications also concerned the inertial effect of spin, the Imbert effect, Fresnel evanescent wave of Fresnel, and Dirac equation.

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