Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano (23 February, 1961), also known as Don Berna or Adolfo Paz, is a former leader of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia paramilitary group, as well as the leader of The Office of Envigado cartel.
At a young age he joined the Popular Liberation Army guerrilla.
His squad was involved with the kidnapping of a drug lord who in revenge killed every single one of the squad members but Murillo, who managed to escape to the city of Itagüí.
In this city he became acquainted with the Galeano family, partners of Pablo Escobar and members of the Medellín Cartel.
The Galeanos controlled then what was called the Oficina de Envigado.
Murillo became one of the top aides of the family, and it was as such that he received the gun injury that would give him a permanent limp.
The Galeanos, however, fell out of favor with Escobar, who ordered them killed in 1992.
Murillo managed to survive and then joined became part of Los Pepes, an organization headed by the Castaño brothers, Carlos and Fidel to counter Escobar.
He also managed to gain control over the illegal businesses controlled by the Galeanos in Itagüí, including the Oficina de Envigado.Soon, Murillo had become the leader of the many criminal and hitmen gangs in Medellín, particularly the fearsome La Terraza, which was involved in theft, blackmail, extortion, assassination, kidnapping, and drug traffic.
Around the year 2000, however, members of La Terraza rebelled against Murillo and started a war against him.
By then, Murillo had become well acquainted with the Castaño brothers and had also become the commander of two paramilitary blocs, the Cacique Nutibara Bloc and the Granada Heroes Bloc.
He also gained control over much of the drug traffic in the area.
He became third in the chain of command of the AUC and a key player during the peace process in Santa Fe de Ralito, Córdoba between his organization and the government of Colombia, and he demobilized in November, 2003.
However, in 2005 he was accused by a court of being responsible for the death of a deputy.
He then escaped from Santa Fe de Ralito and surrendered to authorities four days later.