Edward Stanley Kellogg, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Edward Stanley Kellogg

Governor of American Samoa

Date of Birth: 20-Aug-1870

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, United States

Date of Death: 08-Jan-1948

Profession: military personnel, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Edward Stanley Kellogg

  • Edward Stanley Kellogg (August 20, 1870 – January 8, 1948) was a United States Navy Captain who served as the 16th Governor of American Samoa.
  • Kellogg graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1892 and joined the Naval Engineer Corps.
  • He served as an assistant engineer on numerous ships and participated in the Spanish–American War.
  • He retired in 1920, and became governor three years later, making him only one of two Naval Governors of American Samoa to hold the office following retirement from the service.
  • As Governor, Kellogg asserted the authority of the United States over the tribal chiefs of the islands.
  • He removed the title of Tu'i Manu'a from Chris Young, claiming it implied king-like authority over the people of American Samoa.
  • He also removed Chief Tui Manu'a from power, resulting in widespread protest among the islands' people.
  • Kellogg died at the National Naval Medical Center in Maryland and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

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