Saad Mamoun, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Saad Mamoun

Egypt military commander during the Yom Kippur War

Date of Birth: 14-May-1922

Place of Birth: Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt

Date of Death: 28-Oct-2000

Profession: soldier

Nationality: Egypt

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Saad Mamoun

  • Lieutenant General Mohammed Saad Eddin Mamoun, usually known in English as Saad Mamoun (14 May 1922 – 28 October 2000), is an Egyptian war hero and was the commander of the Egyptian Second Army during the Yom Kippur War.
  • He was commissioned in an infantry regiment in 1943 after graduating from the Egyptian Military Academy.
  • He was wounded in action during the 1956 war as the commander of an infantry anti-Tank battalion.
  • Along with Mohamed Abdel Ghani el-Gamasy, Hosni Mubarak, Helmy Afify Abd El-Bar and Kamal Hassan Ali, he was one of the heavyweight and close members of President Sadat's inner circle. During the 1977 protests in Egypt, as commander of the Central Military Region, he is known to have refused to use deadly force against protestors in Cairo and to convince President Sadat to accede to some of the popular demands such as continuation of food and energy subsidies.
  • After he retired from the Egyptian Army, he served as Governor of Cairo until 1987.

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