Osman Lins, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Osman Lins

Brazilian novelist

Date of Birth: 05-Jul-1924

Place of Birth: Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, Brazil

Date of Death: 08-Jul-1978

Profession: writer, novelist

Nationality: Brazil

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Osman Lins

  • Osman Lins (July 5, 1924, Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, Brazil – July 8, 1978, São Paulo, Brazil) was a Brazilian novelist and short story writer.
  • He is considered to be one of the leading innovators of Brazilian literature in the mid 20th century.
  • He graduated from the University of Recife in 1946 with a degree in economics and finance, and held a position as bank clerk from 1943 until 1970.
  • From 1970 to 1976 he taught literature. His first novel, 0 Visitante ("The Visitor"), was published in 1955.
  • His later publications would bring him international recognition and establish his reputation—Nove, Novena (1966; "Nine, Ninth"), a collection of short stories, Avalovara (1973), a novel, and A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia (1976; "The Queen of the Grecian Jails"), a novel/essay. Lins was the recipient of three major Brazilian literary awards, which included the Coelho Neto Prize of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

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