Scott Baker (writer), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Scott Baker (writer)


Date of Birth: 29-Sep-1947

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Profession: writer, novelist, science fiction writer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Scott Baker (writer)

  • Scott Baker (born 1947 in Chicago) is an American science fiction, fantasy, and horror writer.
  • (Though his middle initial is M., he should not be confused with the horror writer who publishes under the name Scott M.
  • Baker.) Baker grew up in Wheaton, Illinois, once a stop on the Underground Railroad, but more recently a bastion of evangelical fundamentalism and political conservativism, resistance to which has been one of the dominant influences on his life and writing.
  • After graduating from New College in Florida, co-owning a leather shop in Provincetown, Massachusetts, and then dropping out of the doctoral program at the UC Irvine, he spent a number of years as a hippy, camping near Tassajarra Zen Center in the Los Padres National Forest and passing much of the rest of his time in various bars.
  • Forced to the realization that he was not having enough fun as a would-be hedonist to justify the lifestyle, he decided to become a full-time writer.
  • On the way there he became what may be the only person to hold a Master of Arts degree in speculative fiction (Goddard College).
  • After 20 years in Paris, where he worked as a publisher's reader for several French publishers and, less artistically, as a financial translator for French brokerage houses, he now lives in Pacific Grove, California.
  • His first novel, Symbiote's Crown (l'Idiot-roi) received the French "Prix Apollo" award.
  • This novel was science fiction.
  • He won a World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction in 1985 for Still Life with Scorpion, and has been nominated for the award three other times.
  • Baker was co-author of the screenplay for the French film LITAN, which won the "Prix de la Critique" (Critic's Prize) at the Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival in 1982, and has worked on a number of other French films.
  • He wrote some of the websites for WHO KILLED EVAN CHANG?, the web tie-in for Steven Spielberg's film, AI (Warner Brothers, 2001).
  • He has been a judge for the World Fantasy Award and the Philip K.
  • Dick Award.
  • Now in semi-retirement, he devotes most of his time to playing tennis, at which he is tenacious but not particularly gifted.

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