Sofiane Bouhdiba is a Tunisian demographer, born on 12 April 1968.
He is Professor of Demography in the department of Sociology in the University of Tunis.
He has taught in many universities in Europe, Africa and the United States, and has participated in a great number of international conferences, with a focus on mortality and morbidity.
As an international consultant to the United Nations, he had the opportunity to observe closely the history of the fight against major diseases in the world.
He has also participated in numerous scientific and humanitarian missions in sub-Saharan Africa.
Organisation internationale pour les migrations/Ligue des Ătats arabes, Le Caire, 2012 ;
« The first Arab revolution? The Jasmine revolution », Global South Magazine, vol.
OCP Policy Center, Rabat, 2018Scientific articles written in other languages
(de) « Die Bedeutung des Konzeptes Baraka in StÀdtischen Armenmilieu in Tunesien gestern, heute und morgen », Curare, n°29, 2006 ;
(es) « UniĂłn del Magreb, un caso de regionalismo Sur-Sur », Revista de Ciencia PolĂtica, n°7, janvier-juillet 2009, pp.