Adam Kreek, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Adam Kreek

Canadian rower

Date of Birth: 02-Dec-1980

Place of Birth: London, Ontario, Canada

Profession: rower

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Adam Kreek

  • Adam Kreek (born December 2, 1980) is a management consultant and Canadian rower.
  • Born in London, Ontario, he was a student at the University of Victoria where he met his wife Rebecca.
  • He won the gold medal at the 2002, 2003 and 2007 world championships for Canada's men's eight team in Seville, Spain, Milan, Italy and Munich, Germany respectively.
  • At the 2004 Summer Olympics, Kreek competed with the Canadian men's eight, who were widely expected to win a medal but ultimately finished in fifth place.
  • After the Olympics he moved to Stanford University to complete a degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Hydrology and continue his rowing career there under Coach Craig Amerkhanian.
  • In 2005 Kreek took the summer off to get married and spend time with his wife.
  • Kreek coached at Stanford Rowing Center in 2006 and 2007 for the Junior Crew. He won a gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics in the men's eights with Andrew Byrnes, Kyle Hamilton, Malcolm Howard, Kevin Light, Ben Rutledge, Dominic Seiterle, Jake Wetzel and cox Brian Price.
  • Kreek's singing of O Canada at the medal ceremony was cited as an inspiration by Simon Whitfield, who won a silver medal in the triathlon.
  • Whitfield wrote "Sing like Adam Kreek" on the handlebars of his bicycle and repeated "Sing like Kreek" to himself near the end of the race.In 2013 Kreek set off with three other rowers, Markus Pukonen, Jordan Hanssen and Pat Fleming to attempt the first ever row from mainland Africa to North America, recording it for classroom lessons in schools across the United States and Canada.
  • 73 days into the 6,700-kilometre transatlantic rowing expedition the boat capsized in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • The crew called for help through a personal locator beacon attached to a life-jacket and were successfully located and rescued.
  • The expedition was sponsored by the Canadian Wildlife Federation and Ocean Adventure, Rowing and Education (OAR Northwest).
  • A computer program developed at the University of Victoria monitored the crew's activities and ensured they followed a strict schedule that maximized their energy and mental sharpness.
  • There was also scientific equipment on board to monitor the ocean conditions and marine life.His grandfather Aleksander Kreek was an Estonian shot putter and the 1938 European champion in the event, before he emigrated to Canada in the 1950s.

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