Nicolae Constantin Batzaria, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Nicolae Constantin Batzaria


Date of Birth: 20-Nov-1874

Place of Birth: Kruševo, Pelagonia Statistical Region, North Macedonia

Date of Death: 28-Jan-1952

Profession: screenwriter, writer, poet, politician, translator, journalist, children's writer, philologist, linguist, trade unionist, collector of fairy tales

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Nicolae Constantin Batzaria

  • Nicolae Constantin Batzaria (Romanian pronunciation: [niko'la.e konstan'tin bat?sa'ri.a], last name also Besaria, Basarya, Ba?aria or Bazaria; also known under the pen names Mo? Nae, Mo? Ene and Ali Baba; November 20, 1874 – January 28, 1952), was a Macedonian-born Aromanian cultural activist, Ottoman statesman and Romanian writer.
  • A schoolteacher and inspector of Aromanian education within Ottoman lands, he established his reputation as a journalist before 1908.
  • During his thirties, he joined the clandestine revolutionary movement known as the Young Turks, serving as its liaison with Aromanian factions.
  • The victorious Young Turk Revolution brought Batzaria to the forefront of Ottoman politics, ensuring him a seat in the Ottoman Senate, and he briefly served as Minister of Public Works under the Three Pashas.
  • He was tasked with several diplomatic missions, including attending the London Conference of 1913, but, alerted by the Three Pashas' World War I alliances and the Young Turks' nationalism, he soon after quit the Ottoman political scene and left into voluntary exile. Batzaria eventually settled in Romania and became a prolific contributor to Romanian letters, producing works of genre fiction and children's literature.
  • Together with comic strip artist Marin Iorda, he created Haplea, one of the most popular characters in early Romanian comics.
  • Batzaria also collected and retold fairy tales from various folkloric traditions, while publishing original novels for adolescents and memoirs of his life in Macedonia.
  • A member of the Romanian Senate for one term, he was active on the staff of Romania's leading left-wing journals, Adevarul and Diminea?a, as well as founder of the latter's supplement for children, before switching his allegiance to the right-wing Universul.
  • Batzaria was persecuted and imprisoned by the communist regime, and spent his final years in obscure captivity.

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