Vincent Desportes, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Vincent Desportes

French general

Date of Birth: 24-Feb-1953

Place of Birth: Rennes, Brittany, France

Profession: military personnel

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Vincent Desportes

  • Vincent Desportes (born 24 February 1953) is a retired French Army general and military theorist. Desportes graduated from the École spĂ©ciale militaire de Saint-Cyr, specialising in armour warfare.
  • He also holds an engineer's degree, a diplĂ´me d'Ă©tudes approfondies in sociology, a MBA, and graduated from the U.S.
  • Army War College. He was Military attachĂ© in the French embassy in the USA, aid to the General secretary for national defence, and director of the Centre de doctrine et d'emploi des forces. Along with Jean-Francois Phelizon, Desportes is co-director of the "StratĂ©gies & Doctrines" collection of Economica editions. Desportes headed the Collège interarmĂ©es de dĂ©fense in 2008-2010.

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