Vivian Barbot, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Vivian Barbot

Canadian politician

Date of Birth: 07-Jul-1941

Place of Birth: Saint-Marc, Artibonite, Haiti

Profession: politician, trade unionist

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Vivian Barbot

  • Vivian Barbot (born July 7, 1941) is a Canadian teacher, activist, and politician.
  • She is a former President of the FĂ©dĂ©ration des femmes du QuĂ©bec, a former Member of Parliament and former vice-president of the Bloc QuĂ©bĂ©cois.
  • She was the party's interim leader and president following the resignation of Gilles Duceppe in May 2011.
  • Barbot became the first person of a visible minority group to lead a Canadian federal political party with parliamentary representation. Barbot was born in Saint-Marc, Haiti.
  • She is the former Member of Parliament for the riding of Papineau.
  • In the 2006 election, she scored a significant victory for the Bloc by defeating former Liberal Cabinet Minister Pierre Pettigrew, but was defeated two years later in the 2008 federal election by Justin Trudeau.
  • Barbot ran against Trudeau in the 2011 election, but was once again defeated. The 2011 election also saw the defeat of Gilles Duceppe and all but four Bloc MPs.
  • As vice-president of the party, Barbot was appointed interim party leader and president following Duceppe's resignation and remained in the position until Duceppe's successor, Daniel PaillĂ©, was elected on December 11, 2011.

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