Metropolitan Panteleimon of Belgium, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Metropolitan Panteleimon of Belgium

Greek priest

Date of Birth: 07-Feb-1935

Place of Birth: Chios, North Aegean Region, Greece

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Metropolitan Panteleimon of Belgium

  • Metropolitan Panteleimon (Greek: ??t??p???t?? ?a?te?e?ยต??, born Nikolaos Kontoyiannis, Greek: ?????a?? ???t????????; born February 7, 1935 in Chios, Greece), was the Metropolitan of Belgium and Exarch of The Netherlands and Luxembourg, under the spiritual leadership of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
  • He retired in 2013.He is a graduate of the Theological Institute of Halki seminary, Istanbul.
  • In 1982, he was unanimously elected by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as the Head of the Holy Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Belgium, based in Brussels.

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