Winfield Dunn, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Winfield Dunn

American politician

Date of Birth: 01-Jul-1927

Place of Birth: Meridian, Mississippi, United States

Profession: dentist, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Winfield Dunn

  • Bryant Winfield Culberson Dunn (born July 1, 1927) is an American businessman, politician, medical industry official, and dentist who served as Governor of Tennessee from 1971 to 1975.
  • He was the state's first Republican governor in fifty years, and was just the sixth since the Civil War.
  • Dunn was an unsuccessful candidate for a second term in 1986, losing to Democrat Ned McWherter.
  • He has remained active in the Republican Party and the medical field since the end of his term as governor.

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