James D. Black, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


James D. Black

Governor of Kentucky

Date of Birth: 24-Sep-1849

Place of Birth: Knox County, Kentucky, United States

Date of Death: 05-Aug-1938

Profession: lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About James D. Black

  • James Dixon Black (September 24, 1849 – August 5, 1938) was the 39th Governor of Kentucky, serving for seven months in 1919.
  • He ascended to the office when Governor Augustus O.
  • Stanley was elected to the U.S.
  • Senate. Black graduated from Tusculum College in 1872 and taught school while studying law.
  • He was admitted to the bar in 1874 and opened his legal practice in Barbourville, Kentucky.
  • Eventually, his son, Pitzer Dixon, and his son-in-law, Hiram H.
  • Owens, became partners in his practice, called Black, Black and Owens.
  • Deeply interested in education, he served as superintendent of the Knox County public schools for two years, and was instrumental in the founding of Union College in Barbourville.
  • He served as president of the college from 1910 to 1912. Black was chosen as the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor in 1915, despite having only meager previous political experience.
  • He was elected on a ticket with Augustus O.
  • Stanley and was elevated to governor when Stanley resigned to take a seat in the U.S.
  • Senate.
  • Much of his seven months as governor were spent on his re-election campaign.
  • He was unable to satisfactorily answer charges of corruption made against the Stanley administration by his opponent, Edwin P.
  • Morrow.
  • Morrow won the election by more than 40,000 votes.
  • Black returned to his legal practice in Barbourville and served as president of a bank founded by his older brother.
  • He was campaign manager for Alben Barkley's senatorial campaign when he died of pneumonia on August 5, 1938.

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