Blessed Antonia Maria Verna (12 June 1773 – 25 December 1838) was an Italian Roman Catholic professed religious and the founder of the Suore di carità dell'Immacolata Concezione.
Verna left her hometown when she was fifteen due to increasing offers of marriage (which she did not want to accept) and returned sometime later when she decided to pursue her religious vocation.
Her emphasis was on catechism and founded her religious congregation to better teach catechism to children as well as to tend to ill people.Her beatification process launched after her death in the 1930s and she was titled as a Servant of God while the confirmation of her life of heroic virtue enabled for her to be titled as Venerable on 19 December 2009.
Pope Benedict XVI approved a miracle attributed to her intercession which would allow for Verna's beatification; Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone presided over her beatification in 2011 on the pope's behalf.