Emilia Salvioni, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Emilia Salvioni

Italian writer

Date of Birth: 02-Apr-1895

Place of Birth: Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Date of Death: 04-Jun-1968

Profession: writer, journalist

Nationality: Italy

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Emilia Salvioni

  • Emilia Salvioni (April 2, 1895 – June 4, 1968) was an Italian writer.The daughter of Giovanni Battista Salvioni, a statistics professor, and Rosa Schiratti, she was born in Bologna.
  • A maternal aunt married writer Giuseppe Toniolo.
  • Her mother died while she was still very young and Salvioni immersed herself in reading.
  • She published her first short stories in 1918.
  • She then published two novels in the literary journal L'avvenire d'Italia: Prima che ritorni il sole (Before the Sun Returns) in 1922 and Quella che aspettavo sei tu (You Are What I Was Waiting for) in 1923.In 1927, after her father's death, she became librarian for the law school of the University of Bologna.
  • She began contributing stories and poems for children to the journal Corrierino.
  • After World War II, she founded the women's journal Serena and served as its director.
  • She also served as editor for a series of novels for young women Collana Azzura published by the Cappelli publishing house.
  • Salvioni also contributed articles on art, literature, theatre and cinema to various periodicals.

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