Antoni Rubió i Lluch, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Antoni Rubió i Lluch

Spanish historian

Date of Birth: 26-Jul-1856

Place of Birth: Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain

Date of Death: 08-Jun-1937

Profession: historian, university teacher, romanist, philologist, literary historian, linguist

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Antoni Rubió i Lluch

  • Antoni Rubió i Lluch (Spanish: Antonio Rubió y Lluch; Valladolid 1856 – Barcelona 1937) was a Spanish-Catalan historian and intellectual who published in Catalan and Spanish.
  • A Hellenist and a medievalist, he left his mark on the study of the Catalan period in Greece, 1313–1381. Son of the poet Joaquim Rubió i Ors, Rubió y Lluch studied philosophy and literature at the University of Barcelona under Manuel Milà i Fontanals and Francesc Xavier Llorens i Barba and in the company of Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, who was a longtime friend and colleague.
  • The two are icons of Catalan positivism.
  • In 1880 he became a tutor in the literature faculty there and in 1885 a full professor of general literature at the University of Oviedo, from which he was transferred to Barcelona.
  • In 1889 he became a member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona.
  • In 1904 he taught Catalan literature at the Estudis Universitaris Catalans and in 1906 he was vice-president of the First International Congress of the Catalan Language.
  • The next year (1907) he was named both a member and the first president of the Institute for Catalan Studies.
  • He later presided over the Jocs Florals in Barcelona. Politically, Rubió y Lluch defended Greek aspirations for Crete and, in 1897, inspired by Prat de la Riba, he wrote a manifesto of the Greek cause in the name of the institutions of Catalan civil life.
  • He was recognised as honorary Greek consul at Barcelona for eight years and received the decoration of "Cavaller de l'Ordre del Salvador" (Knight of the Order of the Saviour).
  • He was made an honorary member of the Philological Society of Parnassos. As well, he was a member of the Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, a correspondent of the Academia de la Historia de Madrid and the Academia Española (1930).
  • He also served as president of the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. Among his students stands out Ángel Valbuena Prat.
  • Among his famous teachings were that Catalan did not exist as an independent language prior to 1326.
  • Rubió y Lluch edited documents for Historia de la cultura Catalana Mitgeval or Documentos para la historia de la cultura catalana medieval (1908).
  • He also edited Curial y Guelfa: Novela catalana del quinzen segle for the Reial Academia and translated Novelas griegas por Demetrio Bikelas, Jorge Drosinis, Argyros Eftaliotis et al.
  • (Barcelona: Durán y Ca., 1893), a collection of Byzantine novels.

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