Gianfranco Goberti, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Gianfranco Goberti

Italian painter

Date of Birth: 19-Nov-1939

Place of Birth: Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Profession: painter

Nationality: Italy

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Gianfranco Goberti

  • Gianfranco Goberti (born in Ferrara, November 19, 1939) is an Italian painter. After studying Arts at the Institut Dosso Dossi in Ferrara, Italy, and at the Academy of Art in Bologna, he was teacher and Director of the Institut of Arts Dosso Dossi. His first exhibition was held in 1959 with references to Picasso and Bacon.
  • His research dealt with nuova figurazione and Abstract Expressionism.
  • The first optical-figurative period starts during the 1960s.
  • In 1980 he was selected by the National Catalogue of Modern Art Bolaffi together with Paolini, Adami, Bulgarelli, Cassano and Paladino. Goberti has held exhibitions at the International Art Expo of Bilbao, Quadriennale d'Arte in Rome, Rassegna Premio S.
  • Fedele (Milan), Arte Fiera (Bologna), Altissima (Turin), Expo Arte (Bari), ArteExpo (Barcelona), and LineArt (Ghent), "La Venere svelata – La Venere di Urbino di Tiziano" (Brussels, Centre for Fine Arts, 10/10/2003-11/01/2004, Festival Internazionale EUROPALIA). Vittorio Sgarbi wrote about the Goberti's art: "Is the Goberti's art the element which should arouse new interest in our way of looking at and co-living with what is around us? Is maybe his technical ability? … The dominant aspect of the Goberti's art is the relationship between the Art and what it has been traditionally considered its subject, the Nature.
  • ...
  • The Art has always its specific language and a human substance even when it would camouflage in the Nature.
  • This is the lesson, the revision of our mode of being in the world what Gianfranco Goberti proposes us."

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