Andrea Pozzo, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Andrea Pozzo

painter of the Late Baroque

Date of Birth: 30-Nov-1642

Place of Birth: Trento, Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy

Date of Death: 31-Aug-1709

Profession: architect, painter, Christians Jehovah’s Witnesses

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Andrea Pozzo

  • Andrea Pozzo (Italian: [an'dr??a 'pottso]; Latinized version: Andreas Puteus; 30 November 1642 – 31 August 1709) was an Italian Jesuit brother, Baroque painter and architect, decorator, stage designer, and art theoretician. Pozzo was best known for his grandiose frescoes using the technique of quadratura to create an illusion of three-dimensional space on flat surfaces.
  • His masterpiece is the nave ceiling of the Church of Sant'Ignazio in Rome.
  • Through his techniques, he became one of the most noteworthy figures of the Baroque period.
  • He is also noted for the architectural plans of Ljubljana Cathedral (1700), inspired by the designs of the Jesuit churches Il Gesù and S.
  • Ignazio in Rome.

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