Bernard Francis Law, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Bernard Francis Law

Catholic cardinal

Date of Birth: 04-Nov-1931

Place of Birth: Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico

Date of Death: 20-Dec-2017

Profession: Catholic priest, theologian

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Bernard Francis Law

  • Bernard Francis Law (November 4, 1931 – December 20, 2017) was an American cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • He was Archbishop Emeritus of Boston, former archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, and Cardinal Priest of Santa Susanna, which was the American Catholic church in Rome (until summer 2017, when the American community was relocated to San Patrizio). Law was the Archbishop of Boston from 1984 until his resignation on December 13, 2002, in response to the Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal in his archdiocese.
  • Church documents showed he had extensive knowledge of sexual abuse committed by dozens of Catholic priests within his archdiocese and had failed to remove them from the ministry.
  • One priest alone was alleged to have raped or molested 130 children over decades, while Law and other local officials moved him among churches rather than going to the authorities.Two years after Law resigned from his position in Boston, which Bishop William S.
  • Skylstad called "an important step in the healing process", Pope John Paul II appointed him Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome in 2004.
  • He resigned from this position upon reaching the age of 80 in November 2011 and died in Rome on December 20, 2017, at the age of 86.

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