Blessed Maria Scrilli (15 May 1825 - 14 November 1889) was an Italian Roman Catholic who was a professed religious who established the Sisters of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - a branch of the Carmelite order.
She later assumed the religious name of "Maria Teresa of Jesus" upon making her profession and in dedication to Saint Teresa of Ávila.
Scrilli became a noted educator and opened several schools during her lifetime in which she taught a range of religious and secular topics to girls.
A period of anti-clericalism forced her to disband her schools and orders until a long while later when she could reinstitute her order and new schools.
She was also known for her compassionate treatment of the poor and also for her enlightened views of a fundamental Christian education.
Pope Benedict XVI recognized a miracle attributed to her direct intercession in 2005 and allowed for her beatification in Fiesole on 8 October 2006; Cardinal José Saraiva Martins presided over the Mass on the behalf of the pope.