Liane G. Benning, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Liane G. Benning


Date of Birth: 01-Jan-0001

Place of Birth: Germany

Profession: university teacher, researcher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Liane G. Benning

  • Liane G.
  • Benning is a German biogeochemist studying mineral-fluid-microbe interface processes.
  • She is a Professor of Interface Geochemistry at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and the University of Leeds.
  • Her team studies various processes that shape the Earth Surface with a special focus on two aspects: the nucleation, growth and crystallisation of mineral phases from solution and the role, effects and interplay between microbes and minerals in extreme environments.
  • She is also interested in the characterisation of these systems, developing in situ and time resolved high resolution imaging and spectroscopic techniques to follow microbe-mineral reactions as they occur.

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