Omnia Fakhry, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Omnia Fakhry

Egyptian modern pentathlete

Date of Birth: 02-Feb-1982

Place of Birth: Cairo, Egypt

Profession: modern pentathlete, pentathlete

Nationality: Egypt

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Omnia Fakhry

  • Omnia Abdel Khalek Fakhry (Arabic: ????? ???? ??? ???????; born February 2, 1982 in Cairo) is an Egyptian modern pentathlete.
  • Fakhry qualified for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, where she competed in the women's modern pentathlon, along with her teammate Aya Medany. During the competition, Fakhry made a strong performance in the early rounds, when she finished fifth in pistol shooting, and eighteenth in a one-touch épée fencing.
  • She placed second in the third heat in the 200 m freestyle swimming, but displayed a poor performance in the show jumping, when her horse Naonao repeatedly stopped short, veered left before the obstacles, and nearly tossed her over the barrier.
  • In the end, Fakhry finished the event with cross-country running in thirtieth place, for a total score of 4,996 points.

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