Pittsinger (March 18, 1837 - February 22, 1908), known as "The California Poetess", was an American poet.
She was born in Massachusetts and came to California from her home in Chesterfield in 1852, making the voyage around the horn.
At the outbreak of the American Civil War, she devoted her whole energies for a time toward molding the public sentiment for The Union.
After a visit home to Massachusetts, she was married, but her life proving unhappy, she was soon divorced.
When she again returned to California, she began writing for different papers, taking a deep interest in spiritualistic investigations and phenomena.
She was a regular contributor to the Golden Era, the Carrier Dove, and the Banner of Light.
What she considered her greatest poem, "Song of the Soul Victorious", was a treatment of the eternity of life, one of her favorite themes.
Although Pittsinger wrote some very popular verses, she became obscure later in life.