Roberto Ortiz (umpire), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Roberto Ortiz (umpire)

Puerto Rican baseball umpire

Date of Birth: 16-Dec-1984

Place of Birth: Caguas, Puerto Rico, United States

Profession: athlete

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Roberto Ortiz (umpire)

  • Roberto Carlos Ortiz Maymi (born December 16, 1984) is a Major League Baseball (MLB) umpire.
  • He made his debut on May 14, 2016, becoming the first MLB umpire since Delfin Colon to have been born in Puerto Rico.
  • He wears number 40, which was most recently worn by former umpire Jeff Gosney.During the 2016 season, Ortiz umpired eight games (two as the home plate umpire), and during 2017 he umpired 66 games (14 behind the plate).

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