Jens Maier, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Jens Maier

German politician

Date of Birth: 10-Feb-1962

Place of Birth: Bremen, Germany

Profession: judge, politician

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Jens Maier

  • Jens Maier is a German lawyer and politician (Alternative for Germany, AfD).
  • He is one of the leading politicians of the völkische Flügel (wing) of the AfD, which is classiefied by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution BfV as a suspected case of extreme right efforts.
  • After the Bundestagswahl 2017 he became a member of parliament Bundestag for AfD Sachsen.
  • Since 2019, he has been spokesperson of the party's internal grouping Der Flüggel (the wing). Maier was born 10 February 1962 in Bremen, BRD.
  • At the 10 year anniversary of Pegida in October 2019 Maier said, the Pegida-marches had to continoue, so AfD could make a good work.

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