Rita Rusić, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Rita Rusić

Croatian singer, actress and producer

Date of Birth: 16-May-1960

Place of Birth: Poreč, Istria County, Croatia

Profession: actor, singer, film producer

Nationality: Italy

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Rita Rusić

  • Rita Rusic (Italian: ['ri?ta 'ru?zit?], Croatian: ['ri?ta 'ru?sit?]; born May 16, 1960), also known as Rita Cecchi Gori, is a Croatian born Italian producer, actress and singer.
  • Rusic's career began as an actress with a major role in the 1982 film Attila flagello di Dio.
  • She was eventually moved into the film industry, with Il pentito in 1982.
  • Later that year she also began filming Joan Lui - Ma un giorno nel paese arrivo io di lunedì. Following her work as a singer and an actress, Rusic became a producer in the early 1990s.
  • Since then she has been a recognized producer for over 80 films.
  • Many of these films were released primarily in Italy, but a number of them had global success.
  • Rusic also featured on the Italian version of Dancing with the Stars.

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