Agnes Hürland-Büning (born Agnes Oleynik: 17 May 1926 - 9 March 2009) was a German politician with strong local roots.
She was a member of the Bundestag (Germany's "national parliament") for nearly twenty years between 1972 and 1991.
She chaired the local Recklinghausen CDU party between 1977 and 1983, and served between 1979 and 1983 as deputy party chair for the CDU regional party executive in Westfalen-Lippe.
Between 1987 and 1991 she was a parliamentary secretary of state in the West German Defence Ministry.It later emerged that she had become entangled, as an industry lobbyist, in the CDU donations scandal.
The prosectors' office in Düsseldorf launched an investigation against her in respect of allegations involving serious fraud, false statements and tax evasion, but by 2007 she was seriously ill and the case was suspended.
It was dropped in 2008 on account of Hürland-Büning's "permanent incapacity to deal with matters" ("wegen dauernder Verhandlungsunfähigkeit der Angeklagten").