Sölvi Helgason, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Sölvi Helgason

19th century Icelandic artist, philosopher and drifter

Date of Birth: 16-Aug-1820

Date of Death: 27-Nov-1895

Profession: painter, philosopher

Nationality: Iceland

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Sölvi Helgason

  • Sölvi Helgason (August 16, 1820 – November 27, 1895) was an artist, philosopher and drifter in Iceland in the 19th century.
  • If he hadn't been arrested, we might not know anything more about Sölvi than folk tales about his life.
  • He never went to school, but was known to always be painting and writing.
  • It is posited from his writings that he was mentally ill and suffered from paranoia; he was known to accuse people of stealing his work.
  • He often referred to himself by made-up names as well as names of playwrights, artists, musicians and philosophers: Sókrates, Plato, Sólon, Melanchthon, Sölvi Spekingur, Sjúlvi, Húsfriður, Sjúlvi Hinn Vitri, Húmboldt, Spinoza, Göte, Hegel, Schiller, Schott, Newton, Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Vasco da Gama, Kant, Lamertine, Skagfjörð Norðlandíus, Beethoven and Shakespeare.
  • Sölvi was convicted several times for vagrancy, falsifying his traveling papers or passport and for petty theft.
  • He was often flogged and spent three years in prison in Denmark.
  • Today approximately 100 of Sölvi's artworks and manuscripts are in the collection of the National and University Library of Iceland and the National Museum of Iceland.

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