Ahmad ibn Arabshah, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ahmad ibn Arabshah

Arab writer

Date of Birth: 14-Nov-1389

Place of Birth: Damascus, Damascus Governorate, Syria

Date of Death: 14-Aug-1450

Profession: writer, translator, traveller

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Ahmad ibn Arabshah

  • Abu Muhammad Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn Ibrahim also known as Muhammad ibn Arabshah (Arabic: 1389-???? ?? ?????? ), (1450), was an Arab writer and traveller who lived under the reign of Timur (1370–1405).He was born and grew up in Damascus.
  • Later when Timur invaded Syria, he moved to Samarkand and later to Transoxiana.
  • He later moved to Adarna and worked in the court of Sultan Muhammad Uthman translating Arabic books to Turkish and Persian.
  • He later returned to Damascus after having been absent from the city for 23 years.
  • Later he moved to Egypt and died there. The famous Muslim scholar, Abd al-Wahhab ibn Arabshah, is his son.

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