Viktor K. Jirsa, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Viktor K. Jirsa


Date of Birth: 27-Jun-1968

Place of Birth: Prague, Czech Republic

Profession: physicist, researcher, neuroscientist

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Viktor K. Jirsa

  • Viktor K.
  • Jirsa (born 27 June 1968) is a German physicist and neuroscientist, director of research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), director of the Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes (INS UMR1106) and co-director of the FĂ©dĂ©ration Hospitalo-Universitaire (FHU) EPINEXT "Epilepsy and Disorders of Neuronal Excitability" in Marseille, France.
  • He is workpackage leader in the Epinov project funded in the context of the RHU3 call and coordinated by Prof.
  • Fabrice Bartolomei. Since the late 1990s, Jirsa has made important contributions to the understanding of the link between brain function and network dynamics.
  • He has pioneered the use of biologically realistic connectivity in brain network models of the human and rodent.
  • Applications of this large-scale modeling approach are in resting state activity, epilepsy and aging.
  • Viktor Jirsa has a leading role in the French efforts in personalized medicine and serves as scientific director of the large multi-site clinical trial on drug-resistant epilepsy called EPINOV coordinated by Prof.
  • Fabrice Bartolomei.
  • This project represents one of the first translational applications of computational neuroscience in personalized medicine.
  • Viktor Jirsa is the curator of the neuroinformatics platform The Virtual Brain and deputy-lead of the theoretical neuroscience subproject (SP4) in the Human Brain Project (HBP).

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