He is workpackage leader in the Epinov project funded in the context of the RHU3 call and coordinated by Prof.
Fabrice Bartolomei.
Since the late 1990s, Jirsa has made important contributions to the understanding of the link between brain function and network dynamics.
He has pioneered the use of biologically realistic connectivity in brain network models of the human and rodent.
Applications of this large-scale modeling approach are in resting state activity, epilepsy and aging.
Viktor Jirsa has a leading role in the French efforts in personalized medicine and serves as scientific director of the large multi-site clinical trial on drug-resistant epilepsy called EPINOV coordinated by Prof.
Fabrice Bartolomei.
This project represents one of the first translational applications of computational neuroscience in personalized medicine.
Viktor Jirsa is the curator of the neuroinformatics platform The Virtual Brain and deputy-lead of the theoretical neuroscience subproject (SP4) in the Human Brain Project (HBP).