Hanna Vitaliyivna Bezliudna (Ukrainian: ????? ?????????? ????????, born on July 15, 1972 in the city of Sumy) – media manager, producer, public figure.
Starting from 2013 – Head of Inter Media Group, Member of the Supervisory Board of the private corporation "Inter TV Channel", President of the Federation of Employers of Media Industry of Ukraine, Member of the Supervisory Board of the private corporation "Inter TV Channel", Merited Journalist of Ukraine.Working on television since 1991.
She worked as an editor, editor in chief, television producer, correspondent, including at hotspot of tension.
Hanna Bezliudna created and headed the editorial office of the information and analytical service of Inter TV Channel, headed the TV agency “Profi TV” (from 2001 to 2004).
Created from scratch and managed television channels K1 and K2.
More than 130 documentaries, nine television series and over 80 television projects, one third of which is cyclical, were produced under Hanna Bezliudna’s guidance.
Among the projects that are significant for Ukrainian television are annual concerts to the Victory Day (9 May) “Victory.
One at All”, concerts to the Independence Day “Dream of Ukraine”, ”Ukraine from A to Z”, broadcasting of Easter and Christmas religious services, the Cross Procession to the Day of Christianization of Rus, projects “Great Ukrainians”, ”Concerns Everybody”.Hanna Bezliudna annually falls into the ratings of the most influential women in the country.
In 2017, Hanna Bezliudna ranked first in the rating of the most successful women of the Corporate Sector, compiled by Novoe Vremya magazine.
Media market experts call Hanna Bezliudna the most professional TV manager of Ukraine.