Carl Maria von Bocklet, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Carl Maria von Bocklet

Austrian composer

Date of Birth: 30-Nov-1801

Place of Birth: Prague, Czech Republic

Date of Death: 15-Jul-1881

Profession: composer, pianist

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Carl Maria von Bocklet

  • Carl Maria von Bocklet (30 November 1801 – 15 July 1881) was a composer, pianist and teacher of music. Bocklet was born in Prague.
  • He studied with Bedrich Diviš Weber and in 1821 he moved to Vienna, where he "created a great stir...through his interesting free fantasias on the piano forte." In Vienna, Eduard Marxsen was one of his notable students.
  • (See: List of music students by teacher: A to B#Carl Maria von Bocklet.) Ludwig van Beethoven wrote letters of introduction for him, and he became a close friend of Franz Schubert; more than likely, he was influential to FrĂ©dĂ©ric Chopin.In 1828 he was, with Ignaz Schuppanzigh and Joseph Linke, the first performer of Schubert's two piano trios (1827).As Beethoven's letter of reference to Baron Nikolaus Zmeskall (1817?) testifies, von Bocklet was also a capable player of the violin.Among his own compositions is a variation for Part II of Diabelli's Waltz of the Vaterländischer KĂĽnstlerverein. Carl Maria von Bocklet died in Vienna, aged 79.

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