Blessed Wladyslaw Bukowinski (22 December 1904 – 3 December 1974) (also known as Ladislao Bukowinski), was a polish Roman Catholic priest who served in the diocese of Karaganda in Kazakhstan.
He served in Poland during World War II and became renowned among his parishioners for his calmness and his intelligence.
He made an effort to meet the conflict with the love of Jesus Christ and the message of the Gospel.
He was arrested on several occasions and was a prisoner for a time in a Soviet gulag.
After he was released, he served a long-term mission in Kazakhstan.Pope Francis proclaimed him to be Venerable in 2015 upon the confirmation of his life of heroic virtue, and approved a miracle attributed to him twelve months later.
His beatification, in which Cardinal Angelo Amato presided on behalf of the pontiff, was celebrated on 11 September 2016 in Karaganda where he had served.