Tahsin Gemil, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Tahsin Gemil

Romanian politician

Date of Birth: 21-Sep-1943

Place of Birth: Medgidia, Constanța County, Romania

Profession: politician, diplomat, historian, translator, orientalist, linguist

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Tahsin Gemil

  • Tahsin or Tasin Gemil (born September 21, 1943) is a Romanian historian, translator, diplomat, and politician.
  • He served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies between 1990 and 1996, and was Ambassador to Azerbaijan (1998–2003) and Turkmenistan (since 2004).
  • The author of over 100 works on the Ottoman Empire and Romanian history, he has translated into Romanian documents written in Ottoman Turkish.
  • Gemil is a professor at the Ovidius University in Constanta (its Prorector since 2004).

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