Nay Shwe Thway Aung, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Nay Shwe Thway Aung

Burmese business tycoon

Date of Birth: 22-May-1991

Place of Birth: Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar

Profession: businessperson

Nationality: Myanmar

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Nay Shwe Thway Aung

  • Nay Shwe Thway Aung (Burmese: ???????????????, also known as Phoe La Pyae; born 22 May 1991) is a Burmese business tycoon, the grandson of Senior General Than Shwe, Myanmar's dictator and formerly head of a military junta.
  • He is one of the business tycoons in the list of individuals who provide political and financial support for Burma's ruling regime and government.

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