Henri Guilbeaux, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Henri Guilbeaux

French politician

Date of Birth: 05-Nov-1884

Place of Birth: Verviers, Wallonia, Belgium

Date of Death: 15-Jun-1938

Profession: writer, poet, politician, translator, journalist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Henri Guilbeaux

  • Henri Guilbeaux (1885–1938) was a French socialist politician.
  • Active in the Zimmerwald Anti-War Movement during World War I.
  • He was a prominent figure of a group of intellectuals who fought in Geneva against the war; friend of Stefan Zweig, whose poems he translated in French.
  • Zweig nonetheless criticizes him in "Die Welt von Gestern," saying that he "was not a gifted person" and that "I must frankly denominate his literary ability as inconsiderable.
  • His command of language was not more than average; his education was not profound.
  • His entire power lay in controversy." He published a magazine, "Demain", that became a point of reference for all who were against the war.
  • Among the other, on those pages wrote Lenin, Trotsky and Lunacharsky.
  • Because of his political credo and his strong personality, he was judged by default in France and sentenced to death.
  • He could escape in Russia, with the help of Lenin.
  • Became a Communist and was active in the Comintern.
  • Supporter of Trotsky.
  • Pardoned by the French justice, he died, almost forgotten, in Paris.

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