Vera Griner, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Vera Griner

Russian musician

Date of Birth: 25-Mar-1890

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Date of Death: 24-Jun-1992

Profession: music pedagogue

Nationality: Russia

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Vera Griner

  • Vera Griner (née Alvang), was a Russian rhythmitician, born 5 April 1890 in Saint Petersburg, died 24 June 1992 in Moscow.
  • Her father, Alexander Alvang, was a well-known barrister.
  • Since 1908 the Alvang family had been living in Munich.
  • It was here that Alvang became acquainted with Rhythmics.
  • In 1911 she came to Dresden, where she took lessons from Dalcroze, and attended the newly founded Hellerau Institute.
  • In 1912 Alvang, together with several pupils of Dalcroze came to St.
  • Petersburg to train to be a teacher with courses set by Prince Serge Wolkonsky.
  • After a year she was a teacher and a student of Hellerau, and in May 1913 she graduated from the Institute and returned to St.
  • Petersburg to commence teaching, which she continued to do until 1970. Alongside the courses, she gave lectures to audiences in St.
  • Petersburg.
  • In her archives there is a list of places where she worked detailing more than 30 organizations.
  • In 1914 after the outbreak of the First World War, the courses were closed.
  • The foreign teachers left Russia, and Alvang went to Moscow.
  • At this time she married Mr.
  • Emmanuel Griner.
  • In Moscow she began her work at the School of Alexandrova, and following this she went to the Rhythmic Institute which was established in July 1919.
  • It was directed by Nina Alexandrova, and Griner, together with many people familiar to her from the previous period, such as Prince Wolkonsky, got the teacher.
  • After the Institute's closure, Griner worked at several organizations.
  • Schukin Theatrical School was the most notable of these; she began there in 1939. In 1991 Fédération Internationale des Enseignants de Rythmique (F.I.E.R.) gave her the Honoured Member of this Federation.

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