Johannes Groenland (also spelled Grönland and called "Jean Groenland," 1824–1891) was a German botanist, horticulturist, and microscopist.
He was born April 8, 1824 in Altona, a borough of Hamburg that was part of the Duchy of Holstein at that time.
He was the son of Johann Friedrich Grönland, a German organist and music teacher.
Groenland was trained in pharmacology in his youth and served as a pharmacist in Altona, Hamburg, and Jena in his early 20s.
In 1849 he joined the Schleswig-Holstein army to fight in the First Schleswig War.
After the war, Groenland moved to Paris to work as an assistant to Louis de Vilmorin, a French biologist and horticulturist who was also a member of the family firm Vilmorin-Andrieux.
While working for Vilmorin, Groenland worked with Theodor Rümpler to prepare the German edition of Les fleurs de pleine terre (Vilmorin's illustrierte Blumengärtnerei).Groenland spent almost twenty years living in Paris working as a botanical researcher and horticulturist.
They settled in Dahme, Germany, where he worked as a botanist and professor of natural sciences at the Agricultural and Agricultural Chemistry Research Station until his death on February 13, 1891.
At that time, he was also an active and important member of the Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg.The genus Groenlandia in the family Potamogetonaceae (pondweed) is named in his honor.