Rayna Russom (formerly Gavin Rayna Russom) (born May 1, 1974) is an American electronic music producer, musician, and DJ.
Best known as the lead synther for the band LCD Soundsystem, Russom has also released music under various names, including Black Leotard Front, Black Meteoric Star and The Crystal Ark, as well as collaborative work with Delia Gonzalez.
In addition to her musical work, Russom is also a visual artist and a writer.
Russom lives in New York City.
Central to Russom's aesthetic is the challenge of fixed ideas which surround gender and all of the social frameworks that accompany it.
Furthermore, this idea shapes how she designs and builds her custom analog synthesizers, both for her own music and for others.
Known in the electronic community as "The Wizard" for her technical prowess, she has built instruments for the likes of James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem), Tim Goldsworthy (Unkle, The Loving Hand) and Bjorn Copeland (Black Dice).