Franz Faldermann, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Franz Faldermann

German entomologist

Date of Birth: 28-Feb-1799

Place of Birth: Heidelberg, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Germany

Date of Death: 30-Nov-1838

Profession: entomologist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Franz Faldermann

  • Franz Faldermann (28 February 1799, Heidelberg – 30 November 1838, St.
  • Petersburg) was a German entomologist who specialised in Coleoptera. Falderman described many new taxa of Coleoptera.
  • His major works are: Faldermann, F.: 1833, Species novae Coleopterorum Mongoliae et Sibiriae ; Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© ImpĂ©riale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 6: 46 - 72. Faldermann, F.: 1835, Fauna Entomologica Transcaucasica ; 1.
  • cast tvoria nasledovnĂ© diela: Additamenta Entomologica ad Faunam Rossicam - Coleoptera Persico-Armeniaca ; Nouveaux MĂ©moires de la SociĂ©tĂ© ImpĂ©riale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 4: 1 - 314. Faldermann, F.
  • 1835, Coleopterorum ab.
  • ill.
  • Bungio in China boreali, Mongolia et montibus Altaicis collectorum, nec non ab ill.
  • Turczaninoffio et Stschukino e provincia Irkutzk missorum illustrationes ; MĂ©moires de l'AcadĂ©mie ImpĂ©riale des Sciences de St.
  • PĂ©tersbourg, (6)2: 337 - 464. Faldermann, F.: 1836, Bereicherung der Käferkunde des Russischen Reiches ; Bull.
  • Soc.
  • Nat., M. Faldermann, F.: 1837, Fauna Entomologica Trans-caucasica ; Pars II.
  • Nouv.
  • Mem.
  • Soc.
  • Nat.
  • Mosc., 5: 1 - 412, pl.
  • I - XV. Faldermann, F.: 1838, Fauna Entomologica Transcaucasica ; 3.
  • cast tvoria nasledovnĂ© diela: Additamenta Entomologica ad Faunam Rossicam - Coleoptera Persico-Armeniaca ; Nouveaux MĂ©moires de la SociĂ©tĂ© ImpĂ©riale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 6 338 pp. Faldermann, F.: 1835—1838, Fauna entomologica transcaucasica ; (3 ?.)His insect collections are shared between the Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St.
  • Petersburg, the MusĂ©um national d'histoire naturelle in Paris, Kiev Polytechnic Institute and the Zoological Museum of Moscow University

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