Andronik Iosifyan, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Andronik Iosifyan

Soviet electrical engineer

Date of Birth: 08-Jul-1905

Place of Birth: Bazarkənd, Kalbajar District, Azerbaijan

Date of Death: 13-Apr-1993

Profession: physicist

Nationality: Russia

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Andronik Iosifyan

  • Andranik Gevondovich Iosifyan (born 21 July 1905 in Karabakh, Armenia, died 13 April 1993 in Moscow, Russia) was a Soviet scientist of Armenian descent in the field of electrical engineering. He is known as one of the founders of missilery, the chief constructor of the first Soviet meteorological satellites of Earth, and the father of electromechanics in USSR.
  • Iosifian is the founder and the first director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanics (VNIIEM) – the USSR's largest scientific research institute of electromechanics.
  • Being one of the most outstanding figures in the field of military and rocket production, Andranik Iosifian for about thirty years was the USSR's “classified” Chief Constructor of electrical equipment of ballistic rockets, nuclear submarines, spacecraft.
  • One of Iosifian's most important inventions, noncontact synchronized transmissions, considered a revolution in technology.

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