Victorino Tejera (born Tejera Márquez; November 2, 1922 - August 25, 2018) was a writer, scholar, and professor of philosophy with specializations in ancient Greek thought, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, and American philosophy (Naturalism, Semiotics).
He was born in Caracas, Venezuela.
He is known especially for his writing on Plato's Dialogues.
Many scholars believe Tejera's work in this area is his most valuable contribution to philosophy (see Notes and Further reading).
He was editor and contributor with Thelma Lavine on History and Anti-History in Philosophy (1989, 2012) who's From Socrates to Sartre (1984) was the basis for the PBS series of the same name.
His grandfather was the President of Venezuela, Victorino Marquez Bustillos, his great uncle was the Venezuelan writer and historian Felipe Tejera, and cousin to Enrique Tejera ParÃs.