Rafael Tarud Siwady (April 30, 1918 – May 2, 2009) was a prominent politician of Chile, Minister of Economy and Commerce (1953), Minister of Mining, Minister of Foreign Affairs (A.I.) and Senator for two terms (1957–1973).
He was also a Presidential pre-candidate before he desisted in favour of Salvador Allende in 1970.
Born in Talca, Rafael Tarud Siwady entered University (Universidad de Chile) at the age of 15 where he studied Law.
He later became a Senator for the region of Talca for two terms.
He was also a Presidencial pre-candidate in 1970 and later desisted in favour of Salvador Allende becoming his chief of campaign.During the presidency of Salvador Allende (1970–1973) he was also the President of the Independent Popular Action (Acción Popular Independiente, API) a party that he created in 1968 and was part of the Unidad Popular coalition.
After the military coup that took power in 1973, Rafael Tarud lived in exile in Switzerland and Spain until he was permitted to return to Chile in 1983.