Theobald Smith, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Theobald Smith

American epidemiologist

Date of Birth: 31-Jul-1859

Place of Birth: Albany, New York, United States

Date of Death: 10-Dec-1934

Profession: veterinarian, university teacher, pathologist, academic

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Theobald Smith

  • Prof Theobald Smith FRS(For) HFRSE (July 31, 1859 – December 10, 1934) was a pioneering epidemiologist, bacteriologist, pathologist and professor.
  • He is widely considered to be America's first internationally significant medical research scientist.
  • His work included the study of Texas cattle fever and the epidemiology of cattle infected by ticks transmitting protozoa.
  • He also discovered a species of Salmonella, named for his chief, and studied anaphylaxis, then referred to as Theobald Smith phenomenon.
  • Smith taught at Columbian University (now George Washington University) and established the school's department of bacteriology, the first at a medical school in the United States.
  • He also worked at Harvard University and the Rockefeller Institute.

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