Bushrod Johnson, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Bushrod Johnson

Confederate Army general

Date of Birth: 07-Oct-1817

Place of Birth: Belmont County, Ohio, United States

Date of Death: 12-Sep-1880

Profession: military officer, university teacher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Bushrod Johnson

  • Bushrod Rust Johnson (October 7, 1817 – September 12, 1880) was a Confederate general in the American Civil War and an officer in the United States Army.
  • As a university professor he had been active in the state militias of Kentucky and Tennessee and on the outbreak of hostilities he sided with the South, despite having been born in the North in a family of abolitionist quakers.
  • As a divisional commander he managed to evade capture at the Battle of Fort Donelson, but was wounded at the Battle of Shiloh.
  • He served under Robert E.
  • Lee throughout the 10-month Siege of Petersburg, and surrendered with him at Appomattox.

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