Tuve Martin Hugo Skånberg von Beetzen (born 1956) is a Swedish Christian Democratic politician, member of the Swedish Riksdag from 1991 to 2006 and again since 2010.
Skånberg is Doctor of Theology of Lund University (2003) and a minister of the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden (1980).
Skånberg has a conservative Christian Democratic political profile.
Among his more than 500 bills to the Swedish Riksdag, some have been considered controversial, as Riksdag bills against gay marriage and homosexual adoption, for the banning of blasphemy and for "nondiscrimination" of creationism in Swedish schools and in admission to graduate school.Skånberg has been visiting fellow, Cambridge University (2001), visiting scholar at Jesus College, Cambridge (2001), distinguished professor in history at Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, US (2006), visiting scholar at Stanford University, US, (2006), adjunct associate professor of church history at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, US (2006/2007, 2010), guest professor in patristic at Saint Petersburg Evangelical Academy, Russia (2007), director of the Clapham Institute (2008).