Jack Buckby (born 10 February 1993) is a British researcher and author.
He is currently a Research Associate at Canadian public policy think tank The Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP).
He was previously a newscaster for Poland Daily, an English-speaking news channel on the Telewizja Republika television network.Buckby frequently publishes content that is critical of Islam, left-wing activism, multiculturalism, and the European Union.
He is a vocal critic of neo-fascism and far right violence, citing his experiences in the BNP as a teenager.
His third book, "Monster of Their Own Making: How the Far Left, the Media, and Politicians are Creating Far-Right Extremists.", was announced by Post Hill Press imprint Bombardier Books.
During his time in the BNP, Buckby was widely viewed as a potential successor to BNP leader Nick Griffin, and has been described in media as a "rising star" of the right and the "boy wonder of the British far-right".
Buckby left the BNP in 2013, claiming the party was racist.
He joined far-right Liberty GB as a press officer, where he stood for election in the 2014 European elections and as a parliamentary candidate in 2016 Batley and Spen by-election.