Federico da Montefeltro, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Federico da Montefeltro

most successful condottieri of the Italian Renaissance, and lord of Urbino

Date of Birth: 07-Jun-1422

Place of Birth: Gubbio, Umbria, Italy

Date of Death: 10-Sep-1482

Profession: condottiero, patron of the arts

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Federico da Montefeltro

  • Federico da Montefeltro, also known as Federico III da Montefeltro KG (7 June 1422 – 10 September 1482), was one of the most successful condottieri of the Italian Renaissance, and lord of Urbino from 1444 (as Duke from 1474) until his death.
  • A renowned intellectual Humanist and civil leader in Urbino on top of his impeccable reputation for martial skill and honor, he commissioned the construction of a great library, perhaps the largest of Italy after the Vatican, with his own team of scribes in his scriptorium, and assembled around him a large humanistic court in the Ducal Palace, Urbino, designed by Luciano Laurana and Francesco di Giorgio Martini.

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